Hip-Hop African Podcast- ep.76 FOKN Bois on Satire and Music as Social Commentary

Ghanaian hip hop duo FOKN Bois use satire to convey important social commentary on religion, politics, and sexuality.

In this episode, they share their experiences and the thoughts that have gone into music and the messages they deliver. The duo talks about their decision to rap and write in Pidgin English, which they say stems from needing to “express more of self” to reach their own people. For them, rapping and writing in Pidgin English “brought a new sense of freedom and originality.”

Wanlov and M3nsa also discuss their reputations for being rebellious and the need to incorporate humor into their conscious rhymes; and how they sneak “difficult conversations” into their comedic rhyme schemes to reduce resistance to the message that they come to deliver to their people. As Wanlov the Kubolor exclaims: “It’s extremely cathartic to be able to turn your problems into laughter.” Additionally, in responding to student questions, FOKN Bois share with the students their creative process and influences, and the things that keep them going.


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